Monday, March 16, 2009

Surprise, Surprise...

I have a lot to say this week...shocking, I KNOW! Anyhow, I have several random topics that I believe deserve some attention so bare with me people as I sort this all out...

I must start this post off with a massive congratulations to one A. Rice junior and P. Fregeau for completing the Polar Bear run in Gimli, Manitoba yesterday. Well done, ladies, well done! You are both far heartier than I am. FAR heartier. As a matter of fact, a large bowl of thick, chunky, HEARTY, stew comes to mind when I picture you ladies trudging across the barren sheet of ice that will be Lake Winnipeg in warmer times. This run looks incredibly tough...I dare to say this was a great warm up for the Manitoba marathon which is now just months away! For those of you that are curious for further info about this run, here is a link to the run...

And now to the very meat of this post. The running portion. This past Friday was a long run for me. I had cycled down the previous week and was looking forward to upping the distance again and going for a nice, long, slow jog in the brilliant sunshine. This run became epic and noteworthy for two reasons. First, it was a virgin run for me and my brand spanking new FUEL BELT! Yes friends, it finally happened. I broke down and admitted I needed hydration and nourishment on my long runs and noticed on a well-timed pee break at the Tech Shop that fuel belts were on sale for 50% off. Anyhow, so as not to bore you with details about how it felt carrying a bunch of little squirt bottles around my waist as I attempted to complete a little 20 mile jaunt, lets just say it was a strange yet wonderful experience and is one that I need to continue. I felt much more energized throughout this run as I sipped my water and Gatorade and realized just how valuable this fuel is on these long jogs! And now to the epic part of this little adventure...

I had a TERRIBLE run on Friday. Brutal. Horrible. Painful. So bad in fact, I had a hard time remembering why it was that I decided to sign up for the Calgary marathon to begin with. Yep, I sure had one of THOSE runs...I know everyone can sympathize because we've all had them before! I felt mentally VERY prepared for this run...but for some reason my legs ached the whole time I was out and I never really found my stride. Disappointing for sure, but to try and focus on the positive, it was a beautiful day and I did run into one c-haney who was also out for her long run...and she was having a tough one too! Misery LOVES company, right? Anyhow, running along with a buddy always makes things a little less painful so I was oh-so glad that I ran into one on this day! Needless to say I did not complete the 20 miles I had set out to do, but I was out for a good two and a half hours so I'll consider this one small victory and move onward...and upward...

One reason I truly, truly believe I had a nasty, nasty run on Friday was simply because I missed my usual Thursday trip to the hot yoga studio. It was a busy week and I just couldn't seem to squeeze it in to the schedule. I have mentioned several times before that for me, yoga is necessary so I can keep my legs feeling good and this bod up and running, and this just confirms it. So- I've registered for the 7:30 class tomorrow night at the new studio on 17th. My legs are thanking me already. The Hot Yoga on 17th is a lovely, new studio if any of you Calgarians feel so inclined to check it out...

The good news is my run on Sunday MORE than made up for the crappiness of the Friday disaster. I just had a good one, folks, there seems to be no rhyme or reason. I got out there and ran and ran and ran. It was one of those runs that felt like I could have gone on forever. The weather was gorgeous, my legs felt light and I was really pushing my pace. I quite seriously may have gone one forever but got two good soakers (booters for those of you who speak Toban) along the way. While wet socks and running shoes are quite OK for some people, it was insurmoutable for me so I turned it around and busted it home, arriving just in time for a lovely home cooked meal of good old fashioned chicken gumbo. Very good post run fuel, that gumbo. I would even go so far to say it was fabulous, in fact.

And on that note, I shall sign off. I will be thinking of you all as I run carefree with my hair blowing in the breeze on the beach in Bucerias...or maybe during happy hour after several margaritas! Enjoy the beautiful spring weather...get out there for those runs! Happy trails!

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