Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Because I just ate a big, FAT piece of humble pie.

First run back after 10 days completely away from running (and 3+weeks of bronchitis) and let's just say it was not super speedy at all.  Not only was it not super speedy, it wasn't super long.  43 minutes was all I could handle today, and after denying being sick and then getting SUPER sick, I decided that I would listen to my own stellar advice and start listening to my body.  Mother Nature knew what she was doing when she created this spectacular machine that is the human body, and the fact that I let ego get in the way of taking a break when really, the only business I should have been taking care of was breaking, well, it lead to some not good things for me. 

Of course, like any choice in life, be it teeny tiny or monstrous, there are consequences that go along with the choices we make in training.  Pushing through, getting sick and the subsequent reality of being very, very close to the May marathon means that I totally derailed my training, erased the awesome track work that I had put in with Adrenalin Rush for the past 3 months and likely dashed my chances for a sub 3 on May 27th in Ottawa.  I hedged, gambled and lost.  However, because I am trying very, very, VERY hard to stay positive about these things, the  important take away from this is that even though I lost, I'm not going to lose the lesson!

And in case you missed it, the lesson is:

Listen you your body.  When you are tired, rest.  When you are sick, rest.  When your body is feeling pretty beat down from the miles and miles and miles, rest.  We are after all, ONLY human, and although Mother Nature, did a damn fine job, sometimes the best training you can do is to REST.

Not sure what is happening with said May marathon...deets to follow.  Promised myself I wouldn't make a decision until I was healthy.  Until then, I'm totally healing myself with vegetables (and antibiotics) with visions of marathons dancing in my head.


Kerry said...

well said my friend, well said!

Anonymous said...

Andrea, your previous training/fitness is NOT erased. It's still there, you just need to be patient and once you are feeling 100% you will be able to bounce back quickly with some quality sessions.