Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hi! I'm Henry!

And I'm the newest little runner in the Rice family.  I mean the Rice-Wirvin family!  I was born on August 6th at 3:17pm.

My Auntie Andrea thinks she is a marathoner, but let me tell you, world, my mom is REALLY the marathoner in the family!  I am the product of a totally natural childbirth- what a champ, my mom.  WHAT A CHAMP! 

I can't wait until I'm old enough to go running with my Aunt and Mom and tackle hills with my Pops.  But even if I don't like to run, my Aunt will still love me the most anyway.  I know she will love me no matter what!

Until I am old enough to run, this is how I am preparing...

After all, a true runner knows just how important it is to sleep.  And eat.  And then sleep some more.

And...do Asics come in size newborn?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT!!! luvrin