Friday, March 5, 2010

Run Fast...FASTER!

Lately I seem to be fielding many questions regarding speed training or speed intervals.

Most of the questions sound something like this...

"Andrea, I'm not a serious runner, I just want to finish the half or full marathon.  Do I really have to do speed intervals?"

Well people, lets get real.  Obviously if you are not vying for the "Marathoner or Half-Marathoner of the Year" trophy, then you don't have to do any kind of running that you don't or think you won't enjoy. 


And it's a big BUT...

The speed intervals are invaluable to your training.  Why?  Because at some point during the race you have entered into, your body will start to build lactic acid, a by-product that is created by your body when it becomes inefficient in delivering those lovely little bits of oxygen to your muscles as the race progresses.  Truth?  This is not a nice feeling at all.  However, if you train your body to deal with this adversity during workouts like speed intervals, you will have an easier time dealing with it in the race.  The body will remember what it feels like and it will just keep on cruisin'.  Your intervals do not have to be hard core.  They don't have to be on a track and they don't even really have to be timed if that isn't your thing.  But you are doing yourself a huge favour is you include this type of training at least every couple of weeks.  It can be as simples as pushing your pace really damn hard for a few minutes and then slowing to a jog for a couple of minutes and then speeding up again when you feel ready.  Yes it's hard.  Yes it hurts.  But you will enjoy your race a lot more in the end.  I promise.

So get out there!  What are you waiting for?  Run fast!  And then a bit faster!   Picture yourself being chased  by these guys and pick up the pace!  You will be happy you did!

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