Sunday, May 10, 2009

Long. Done and DONE.

The biggest mileage week capped off with the longest training run is DONE. That's right- its DONE. My knees, ankles, hips and lower back are sending me a silent thank-you this very moment as I type this. I don't know about all of you, but this body is ready for a good period of rest and rebuilding leading up to the big race. Speaking of that big race, we are exactly 21 days out of the Calgary full and half! SO exciting! I hope everyone out there is feeling positive about their training. If you aren't you should be, you are ALL fit and amazing and you should be looking forward to the marathon and the half.

Those of you who know me well know that I always do my long runs on Fridays after work. I picked Friday as I used to do my long runs on Sunday and found they consumed too much of my "me" time... and I do cherish my "me" time! I had to get enough sleep (very tough on the weekends when there is fun to be had), eat properly (tough too when you are having dinners and breakfasts out on occasion) and perhaps not indulge in those few extra glasses of wine or beers (which I almost never can do- Andrea's willpower=lame). The switch to Friday has been brilliant for me. I love getting the long run out of the way with time to enjoy the rest of my weekend. However, this particular weekend I was foiled by the damn Calgary weather.

I've tried telling myself that its not reasonable or rational to be angry at the weather, but on Friday I just was. It wasn't just raining a bit when I wanted to throw on the shoes and head out for my 3+ hour was pouring. And hailing. And sleeting. And snowing at times. Really weather? It's May for the love of God and I am DONE with winter and have been for quite some time! I don't think I ask for a lot; I don't need it to be unbelievably sunny, gorgeous and hot to run, but it sure would have been nice to be able to get out there for my Friday afternoon physical counselling (also know as my long run) in some weather that was just a wee bit nicer. Anyhow- it didn't happen and I did my run this morning. It was quite lovely and sunny and worth the wait, I suppose. And best of all, its DONE. Those long ones really do take a toll on the bod and mine is ready to do the taper and have a break from all this pounding!

So- the purpose of this little should all be giving yourselves a HUGE pat on the back right now. HUGE. A stiff arm slap, in fact. You have done the hardest physical part of the training and you should be very, very proud of yourselves. This training thing is tough! And each of you has muddled your way through it one way or another; its never perfect, but you committed to it and did it. You are 21 days out of completing your first half and that is just a massive achievement. So massive in fact that I'm afraid I might tear up on race day.

ANYHOW- now that you've congratulated yourself, just remember a couple of little tidbits- lots of stretching...a massage...maybe a yoga class or two...and the most important part of all...DON'T stop running...just yet. Although the bulk of your distance work is complete, to stop running totally right now would mean very, very bad things for your endurance and after all of your hard work, we simply cannot have that happening. Consider the following...
1. Take your TOTAL distance down by about 20% this week...yes, your long run should still be pretty long!
2. Keep doing your shorter runs and pushing the pace
3. If you are doing hills, stairs or speed work that should likely stop this week. If you are doing weights one more week is OK and then you are done with that too
4. Hydrate, hydrate, well...sleep lots... and STAY healthy!

Done and DONE!

1 comment:

Christine said...

Andrea - you are so positive! I am not enjoying the rain either - I was all set to go out today and it was pouring at lunch time! Alas I'll get out tomorrow! My body is starting to relax a bit now but I am worried about getting fabby!