Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Marathoner's Conundrum

Look to your right, people!  No, not over your shoulder, just to the right of the screen!  See my list?  Remember my goal to marathon the alphabet?  New marathon, new letter, new city, new adventure!

Washington DC.  Marine Corps Marathon.  October 28th, 2012.  YES!

I already can't wait.  Just have to get through the swamp in FLA and the race in Ottawa and then I'll be here:

As if the prospect of a fall marathon is not exciting enough in it's own right, there will be Marines.  Lots and lots of Marines.  In uniform.  Motivating and inspiring for sure.  Especially if you happen to be a  single gal like me! 

Only one question remains: do I count this race as an A for Arlington, Virgina where the race starts?  Or a W for Washington DC where the race runs through?

Confusion.  Please help. Feedback welcome. Open to suggestions. 


Gembot said...

I vote for W, it will be super hard to find more W marathons!! :)

Anonymous said...

It only makes sense as a W or an M which you already have....

Ginger said...

I say you leave it on both and then see what else comes up in the future.... if you find another A (Adelaide), then you use the W and vice versa. You've got an out and can be open to new A's and W's! Good luck buddie:)

Ginger said...

I say you leave it on both and then see what else comes up in the future.... if you find another A (Adelaide), then you use the W and vice versa. You've got an out and can be open to new A's and W's! Good luck buddie:)

Ginger said...

I say you leave it on both and then see what else comes up in the future.... if you find another A (Adelaide), then you use the W and vice versa. You've got an out and can be open to new A's and W's! Good luck buddie:)

Kor said...

Kori: W all the way!
Clint: "it's the city where it starts" ...... So A